Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I have heard of the word perseverance, but I just didn't know what it really meant till now.

If you were offered $50 right now or $100 in one year, which would you choose?

Well since im not really wise with the way I spend my money, and since im not really good at saving money I would say the $50 right now.

Do you have any long term goals for your life? What are your goals and have you created plans to achieve these goals.
Yes, I really would like to save up for a car and also for a trip to Paris after high school, but its just so hard for me to save my money because when ever I have money I just want to spend it right now. I also want to go to college to be Registered Nurse, but I know that's going to be a lot of learning in college. I do plan on achieving all of my goals though! I guess what I really need is some motivation sometimes.

Its hard to prioritize things in my life, but I have to have perseverance if I want to achieve all my lifetime goals.

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