Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I am against the legalization of Marijuana and the use for it. I think people are abusing the drug because isn't it only for medical purposes and people who REALLY need it?!

In so many high schools kids are doing drugs because they think its cool. And the #1 drug is Marijuana. They can easily buy it among one another so just imagine how much more easier it would be for them to get it if it was legal. People may think that it is harmless because they say its just a plant but it can kill your brain cells and cause you to loose your memory and sometimes often lead to addiction. Plus when people are high on Marijuana they are not aware of their surroundings and are in slow motion so if someone is driving under the influence of Marijuana it can really danger other people on the road.

Marijuana is big in the media also so that why a lot of young people are getting influenced in it because they see other people doing it so they think they will fit it if they do it too.

  Click Here for more info

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